Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Fitch v Dana = Time For a Fighter's Union

As I'm sure most of you die hards have heard, Jon Fitch was recently released from his contract and then subsequently re-signed with the UFC. This all came on the heels of Fitch being unwilling to sign away his likeness for video games for the rest of his life. Can't really say I blame the guy. Basically, the UFC is trying to take away any and all ability of the fighters to make a living for themselves outside of the UFC. Not to mention the deal for the fighter's likeness pays the fighter nothing.The irony is Fitch was willing to sign the contract before the fiasco went down except for the fact that Dana tried to get him to sign using mob tactics and strong arming Fitch into playing ball, so to speak.

While this kind of behavior by Dana White is completely unacceptable, the sad truth is that White will face no repercussions or fallout from his actions because business is the bottom line. What's good for business is what is good for Dana White and Zuffa's top brass. 10 times out of 10, Dana would have handled that situation the same way. And in the end, Fitch signed the contract, and Dana got his way anyway.

If this mess is not an indicator of the necessity for a fighter's union, then I don't know what is. The fighters need to be protected by something that actually holds power. What holds more power than all the fighters combined? There are negatives to a unionized fighters group, but the benefits far out weigh the negatives when you consider the rights a fighter should have and the ones they actually have.


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