Friday, July 17, 2009

10 - 10 Rounds, Yay or Nay?

To say judging in MMA is sub par would be like saying getting hit in the head with a bat "kinda hurts." Understatement personified. In any case, there is an ongoing argument by MMA pundits in regard to the use of scoring close rounds in MMA a 10 - 10 rather the standard 10 - 9. I can get on board with this scoring methodology as long as it is used accurately.

Too many times in fights we will have ultra close rounds that could be decided by a punch or a takedown be called a 10 - 9, when a more prudent and justified score of 10 - 10 would be much more accurate, but for the sake of trying to declare a winner, a 10 - 9 will be handed out. It would be much more prudent and fair to use the 10 - 10 rounds if rounds are that close.

In my fanboy opinion, this would produce less boring rounds as fighters would be pushed to actually win rounds and fight more aggressively to that end. Of course there are no guarantees, we'll always have our Jake O'Briens and Antonio McKee's of the MMA world, but if it were me and I wanted to win a fight, the thought of getting a draw would make me work that much harder.

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