Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Second Bananas

St Pierre, Silva, Emelianenko, Penn, and Machida. These names are synonymous with the best MMA has to offer. So dominant are these individuals, there are very few if any men in their weight classes that pose much of a challenge to their rule. Many an article, blurb, interview and blog have been constructed in reference to these MMA monarchs.

This is not one of those aformentioned references.

This blog is in regards to the guys that would be THOSE guys if THOSE guys were not who THEY were.

Confused yet?

Basically what all that confusion above is about are the fighters who are second best in the world within their respective divisions. Each division has a fighter that is just waiting for the top guy in his division to retire, die, or be beamed up by aliens. Who are the would be number one fighters in the world? Read ahead and see true believer.....

Heavyweight: Brock Lesnar

Some may scoff at my choice for declaring Lesnar as the second best heavyweight in the world. A lot of pundits and fans alike will still tell you that Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira is still the pentultimate heavyweight in MMA. Despite any of that, Lesnar is the heir to the Last Emperor's throne. Lesnar's natural power, speed, stamina and size makes him a nightmare oppponent as is, throw in the fact that he is a stifling wrestler and you have a walking tank wearing four ounce gloves. What puts Brock over the top in my book is how quickly he has adapted to MMA. While his striking is still rudimentary, he has the chin and punching power to make up for most of his deficiencies on the feet. His ground and pound just ruins his opponents faces, and the fact that he moves like a welterweight seals the deal. While his run against Couture and Mir are the only fights that are relevant on his resume, his potential, at least on paper, more than gives him a better than average shot at dethroning the beast that is Fedor.

Light Heavyweight: Rampage Jackson

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