Friday, July 18, 2008

Chuck's next move should Heavyweight.

Chuck Liddell, perhaps the greatest light heavyweight fighter of all time, should go up to the heavyweight division. At least in my opinion. As of late, Chuck has had his issues at light heavyweight. Dropping his light heavyweight title to Quentin Jackson, and then losing to Keith Jardine, Chuck has shown he has some chinks in his armor. He did rebound against Wanderlei Silva, which is a definite boon for him in terms of his legacy, but is he still relevant in the mix of elite MMA light heavyweights?

I suppose it would be foolish to say that Chuck has no relevancy in the light heavyweight division, however, it is my opinion that as he gets older, his ability to keep up with the smaller, faster guys will begin to deteriorate. Not to say he cannot still be competitive, but like Randy Couture, I see Chuck being more competitive at heavyweight. Especially with the thinner competition there.

I know there are many arguments against him moving up, people questioning his punching power at heavyweight, or how big he can get to fight in that divison, or will he be out of shape not having to cut down. All valid questions, but in this blogger's mind, Chuck can probably beat most of the competition in the UFC heavyweight division based on styles. And a move up would offer some intriguing fights. Liddell vs Nogueira, or a fight with Brandon Vera would be compelling as well. No matter where he goes, I and most other fans will be watching the "Iceman" fight, it is just my point of view that a move to the heavyweight class would freshen things up not only for Chuck, but the weak heavyweight class as well.


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